Wednesday, January 28, 2009

SnOw DaY

Yep, we actually had a snow day today. Dan got the day off of school and spent half of it working on the getting an inch of ice of the entire car! It was fun, watching the snow fall so hard. Of course it is nothing compared to Utah snow, but they sure were making a big deal about it on the news! "Snow storm of '09." So we took Hayden out just for a second. It was pretty cold but here is the little man!

Mom getting him all bundled up.

Dad, letting him have his first experience with snow.

after the adventure, big smiles!

Hades showing off his "snow boots" AKA cowboy boots that are WAY to big for him, but the ARE boots!


Heidi said...

How fun! I love Hayden's expressions. Have you seen Zoolander? Kind of reminds me of his "blue steel" look!

Jamie said...

Such a cutie I love his boots!! oh wait I just love him all together! Miss you guys looks like you are having fun in the snow!!

J.R. and Meg +3 said...

Wow, time has just flown! Your little guy Hayden is SO super adorable! Love those rosy cheeks and fun to have a snow day with a hubby home. Hope all is going well for you guys. We sure miss Ohio and friends there!

Nicole said...

Holly! This is Nicole Parry! I love your blog. I'm new to this, but I wanted to get back in touch with you. Hayden is adorable. I'm happy for you!! Hope life in Ohio is treating you well. *

Carrie Jones said...

Hi Holly,

it's fun to keep up with you! I found your blog on someone's link page. Say hi to Dan and Hayden for me.