Friday, July 30, 2010

Following brothers footsteps...

If any of you remember when Hayden was 8 months old he whacked his head on his crib and cut his eyelid open and we had to go the ER. Well Hadley is only 7 months and she tried the same stunt the other day. I usually set Hadley on the table and feed her while Hayden is eating also. That day Hadley decided that Hayden left overs from last nights dinner looked a lot better than the green beans mom was feeding her and so she took a dive for them. As she did this (which she actually does a lot) her bum slipped under her and she really went for a dive right on the edge of Hayden's plate. She hit it hard enough that it cut and was bleeding. she cried a little bit as brother was laughing hysterically and mom was practically bawling. She got over it pretty quick, but mom not so quick.Lets just say her bumbo is her new best friend again. Why is it that Hayden had a bump and bruise every other day at this age and I just shrugged it off, but with my little girl I FREAK!

Anyway, I have been trying to get a picture of Hayden the last couple days, but as you can see.. resistance!


Jamie said...

Is this why you said I couln't come see Hadley today? You didn't want me to see the proof of your craziness? So rude.... Hayden looks exactly like Daniel... So mad all the time!!! He best be practicing my name 24/7!! Promise?

Lady Delish said...

That little Hades is adorable. And that is quite the cover story to hide the child abuse that goes on in your home. ;) Poor kids!