Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A few things I have learned in a few weeks

Being in a new place in a new part of the country you learn a few things about life. Here are just a few..
-I LOVE having easy access to garage! You can put almost anything out there and still make it look "organized."
-More space equals more to clean. A lot more to clean.
-Not sharing a bathroom with your husband is heaven.
-Fire ants actually do exist
-I took for granted having my husband around the last 6 months of Dental school, reality is kinda sinking in.
-If you are the one always pointing out the problems, maybe YOU are actually the problem.
-People always have their opinions, my opinion.. girls are MUCH easier than boys.
-You will always want more, no matter how much you have
-Your kids will always turn to mom for comfort, even if mom was the one that put them in time out.
-Life cost money, life in Florida cost LOTS of money
-Ohio people were THEE nicest people ever, Florida people have a stick up there butt.
-Being in a student ward for so long, I had no idea what I was missing in a family ward (AWESOME!)
-There is not really a point in trying to look good anymore, some people just don't age well.
-Life is what you make it
last but not least the best thing I have learned in the last few weeks.... My sister and her hubby are coming down to visit us! Life really is good.

Hadley had her 6 month check up (she really is 7 months) This girl is off the carts, literally. 97% for weight 22 1/2 lbs and a obviously a huge noggin! She is a sweet heart, and so happy. She doesn't cry when she wakes up, she just sits there and talks to herself and when you come in to get her she almost jumps out of her bed with excitement. SO FUN!
Hayden's birthday is coming up. The big #2. His favorite thing to say is "But I want/don't want to and he sings Dora, Dora, Dora. We can be the best of friends until lunch time rolls around and then worst enemies. Any ideas on how to get a starving little boy to actually eat his lunch instead of begging for crackers! I am about ready to give up.


The Fuchs*Pietrzak's said...

Aww!! Glad you are happy in Florida!
As for the advice on the eating lunch thing. Aiden is 2.5 now and he is THE PICKIEST eater! He only likes bologna, cheese, crackers, and cookies. Oh... and eggs. lol My technique... if he is hungry enough he'll eat. It breaks my heart to say no to the same thing everyday for lunch/dinner, but he will not learn to try other things if I give in. So, Aiden usually eats before nap time. If he doesn't eat what I give him, he gets a piece of bread and takes his nap. He then usually wakes up and scarfs down whatever he wouldn't eat at lunch time. :)Hope that helps.

Zac and Shelece said...

Your kids are so cute!! I can't believe the little man is going to be TWO, that's crazy!! I loved all your things you learned : ) Good luck on the eating thing, my boys LOVE peanut butter and honey sand. and if i would let them, they would eat it everyday for three meals, but I just have to be strong and try to find other foods they will eat. It's a phase and it won't last forever : ) Love ya girl!!

Jamie said...

So I can take you are NOT going to get ready while im there? GOOD. Then I can be the plain jain I am and not feel guilty! :) Hadley is a doll! Im so excited to come visit!!! :) PS Stay away from fire ants in the mean time!

The Warcups said...

We've been thinking about you guys...I'm glad you're liking Fl:) How's Dan liking his program? Miss you guys!

Kari said...

Holly, you totally crack me up. Sounds like you're enjoying FL life though.

Tharon & Alicia said...

We've learned alot since leaving C-bus too. but your much more creative at writting it down than we would ever be. Are you coming with dan to visit us in May?