Sunday, May 17, 2009

BoY's WiLl Be BoYs

I am not used to having boys yet! This kid gets into EVERYTHING. He is getting to be very mobile. We had our first big accident the other day. Hayden pulled on the curtains in his bedroom and knocked the curtain rod right off the wall and it landed smack in the middle of his forehead. He didn't act to hurt, but man it looked bad! within minutes it was a huge golf ball on his head. Here he is moments after.
You could tell that it must be hurting because he actually sat still for a good half hour and let me put ice on it.

This kid can be such a stinker some times! But most the time he is mom's little buddy. He is loving more and more food (less and less milk!) He finally learned how to flip over and now he is none stop. He can crawl a little, mostly backwards and in circles. But when he wants something, he will find a way to get it. His cruisin' skills are nothing to rant about yet, but he is working on it. He talks about Dada all day long and every so often a mama and nanana will pop out. Hayden is my cutie and I love showing off pictures of him!


Heidi said...

Aw, his poor little forhead! Well, just wait until she starts walking then you better watch out! He is a cutie and getting so big.

Jamie said...

Oh poor little guy! That looks like it would hurt. But he is getting more handsome all the time! He sounds like he is a little rowdy just like you!

Kathy & Steve said...

Watch Out Holly... climbing UP things comes close on the heels of Pulling things DOWN. And as for Jamie's comment... I have to laugh... she's the busiest kid I ever babysat. Nobody, and I mean nobody, could empty drawers any faster than Jamie could! (except, maybe, Ashley Bott!)

The Fuchs*Pietrzak's said...

Awe! His poor head! Aiden got a knocker like that the other day when he attempted to run and fell and smacked his forehead into Mike's hard wood toy box corner! Just wait til he gets THAT mobile! lol Those accidents could result in hospital trips! I almost took Aiden, but he was okay. Hayden is one tuff little guy it looks!!!

Lovin Life Together said...

My little Hayd's, he's a tough guy. Busy boy, I miss him!!

J.R. and Meg +3 said...

Gotta love all the bumps. He is adorable, love the last picture!!