Well pretty much there is no update. Even at 36 weeks and being SO miserable and uncomfortable, Doc said nothings happening. So more baking in the oven, even though the oven feels over cooked! I complain but I am glad this baby is healthy and growing well.
In other news, Dan submitted his match list last week and........... more waiting. Next week a computer system will tell us where we are going to live for the next 2-3 years! Help me get my mind off the waiting game!! Wish us luck!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Posted by Holly 4 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Not totally lost mind
I just wanted everyone to know that my heart sunk this last week with all this absentmindedness when I realized I may have also thrown out MY own blessing dress my mom sent me a few weeks back. I was so scarred I told no one in my family, as I didn't want it to get back to mom. Sick I tell you! Just kept thinking what is wrong with me. I used to remember every step I took and now BLANK, everything BLANK! Well after admitting my faults to my mother in law, she suggested some places for me to look. Yes, yes mom I already looked there. Than a new one...... the recently boxed up Halloween decorations. Heaven is shinning down on me today!! There was that super tiny pink dress wrapped around my light up pumpkin! Lets just say I am not afraid to call mom tonight! :) But can I make it these last four weeks? I think I might place hidden cameras around my house to keep track of myself. I hope it doesn't get worse with two kids!
stolen pic from Keens blog, because my camera is no more!
Hayden at Grams (14 months)
Posted by Holly 4 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Pregnancy brain
Well for anyone who has grown a little one inside of them I am sure they would understand what is going on with me. I have totally lost my mind, all sense of reality really. I have done so many silly things, I can't believe my name is still Holly and not "Air Head." But one of my most recent pregnancy brain mishaps has me miss placing my camera. Which after tearing apart my house and going step by step of my every last move with the camera in hand, I have come to the conclusion that I placed the camera in the garbage can and quickly insisted that Dan take out the trash. So no camera for awhile. We need to replace it with a little girl on the way, but for now no pictures! Unless my dear sweet friends and family want to email me pictures of my awesome Halloween and trip to Utah!
Actually a lot has been happening the last few weeks with no pictures to share. I will let you see this little tid bit. Dan has been doing interviews for resident positions and has invited (begged) me to go along whenever he was close enough to drive, but when he got invited to Ft. Lauderdale, FL I invited myself (along with my son) to go. What Heaven. The beach and I are ONE!! Here is a couple of the last photos downloaded before the camera jumped out of my hands into the garbage.Pregnancy Brain again, We went to the beach and I DIDN'T pack Hayden's swim suit!!
Hayden made me smile the whole time. He loved the water, he almost drown so many times because he would want to go further out, and totally not afraid of the surf or the fish in the water!
I have such an obsession with gators, I am just fascinated by them, my first time holding a real live baby gator!
My first time kissing a real live giant frog, that DID NOT turn into a Handsome prince afterward. Daniel was pretty relieved.
The water boat tour to go see some more real gators in the wild.
At first kiddo was a little weirded out by the sand but ten minutes later he was throwing his snacks in the sand before he would put them in his mouth and filling up his cup with sand and trying to drink it. What can I say, he is a boy!
Posted by Holly 4 comments