Sunday, January 11, 2009

Holiday Fun

Okay, so I am finally in the mood to post. I had a horrible trip home (flying with the flu) and my attitude is just getting back to normal (yes, I enjoy being lazy and not doing anything around the house bored out of my mind!)
Anyway, the Holidays were such a blast. We had so much time that we weren't freaking out about what time we had to be as so and so's house so we would be able to make our next stop on time. Just nice relaxing fun. AAAAAAAAaaaahhhh. We stayed at my in-laws house, and had the pleasure of Jason's family joining us. His girls are so cute. Almost every morning you would hear them outside our bedroom, "Wake up Daniel, wake up. I want some cereal." Not to mention the girls loved Hayden. The last couple days they figured out they could tease him and steal his binky, oh was that hilarious. But I have a feeling that lily the youngest is going to be the mischevious of all, that little cutie! I totally found my 2nd true love, the Wii. yeah I spent the entire day smothering Stacey and Dan at darts and even won Stac on some triva. Maybe I need to start writting Santa Clause again, to get one at my house :)
Back at my parents house we ate, ate, ate and I even think we ate more! Oh thank goodness I got the flu to take away all those extra holiday pounds! All of the girls had a couple craft nights (Lori the BUM decided to skip out on us!) Thanks Jam, for getting everything all ready for us. I am going to have some sweet Christmas decorations next year, that I will decorate keen's house with because I left them there! We had an awesome tubbing experience where I popped a tube ALL BY MYSELF! I blame it on the holiday pounds :) and I totally white washed Jam on the ground in front of the whole world, wow I got her good! EJ you watch out next time I am bringing my snowball maker! Keen gave Jam and I a "real" work out with the "P90X workout system" now say it again real slow and with a deep voice, "P90X workout system" lets just say that Tony the instructor will be recieving hate mail from my buns and thighs for the next month and a half! Then there was hot chocolate at the Willard lights where Lori almost puked in the car. And who could forget New Years Eve. My favorite Holiday. We partied with amazing food all night long! Mike full filled my dreams when he whooped out his gutar. SO SO SO much fun. Dan finally had to beg for me to go home and hit the sack.
It was just a blast the whole time. But there is always draw backs from being away from home. Like Hayden not sleeping threw the night, and pooping on all of poor lily's things! Or waking up with a huge knot in your back every morning, and not drinking out of the milk jug. But now things are back to normal. Hayden is back to being a sweet boy and sleeping 7-10 hours at night, and I can now walk normal (no thanks to Tony!) I miss all my family and hope to kick it with them again soon! Love you Mom!

Yeah, my mom has a "little" addiction to gambling. Lets just say this wasn't the first time she played this game!

The bowling alley where I contracted the FLU!

New Years Day (7 years to date of our first kiss!)

Mom and Dad bored out of their minds watching the girls sing!

A little bit of karaoke

Corbin was just the cutiest thing to Hayden. You would walk in the room and find Corbin cuddling on the floor with Hayden. But I don't know what I am going to do when my boy gets as big as Corbin, SO MUCH ENERGY!

One of the many "sleepover" parties that Ellie and Abbi threw.

More snuggles.

My crippled Dad who just had knee surgery AGAIN!

Jam getting ready to punch Tony, while Colleen comes behind with a karate chop.

Funest thing about being home, playing games until the wee morning hours!

Haydens Christmas P.J.'s while Ellie is playing doctor on him.

Opening presents Christmas morning (Me and Hades totally scored!)

Getting ready to watch the most anticipated show of the season!

You guessed it.... California Raisins Christmas Claymation. Also with the Easter and Halloween additions!

Tea Party with the girls. Yes, my son is a the underwritter for Java the hut!


Lovin Life Together said...

What fun we had. It was like a big whirl wind that hit and is now over. It makes me sad! Corbin sure misses his baby broder Haden, and so do I. I'm sorry you got so miserably sick, that dang bowling alley, who came up with that idea anyway?
I miss you me and Tony all workin it together, it's just not the same without ya. Too bad next time we work out together I won't even be able to move! Can't we just get on the same time table. Well anyways, I had a blast with you guys here, I miss ya lots already. It's neat to see my little sis, and little bro Dan being parents. Seems like just yesterday my mirror in my car was nocked off mysteriously, mmmmm? Love ya lots!!!

Jamie said...

Im so glad you guys got to come out for so long! It really was so much fun! And you kid is so stinking cute I love him. I hope you guys come out again real soon!!! PLEASE.
ps you posted some real pictures of me... Thanks!

Amee Campbell said...

Oh Holly, I wish I could have seen you while we were here. Hayden is absolutely adorable. It looks like you had a blast with your family, who wouldn't since they're so awesome :) Next time make time for me...hehehe.