Tuesday, March 3, 2009

6 Months

Holy Cow time flies, I know everyone says that but it is so true. Our little guy has been kept alive for 6 months. If Dan and Holly can raise a child to 6 months ANY one can do it! I have definitely discovered the joys of motherhood. Hayden is so entertaining and knows to pick mom's side on any dispute! :) He just keeps getting smarter and cuter everyday.

The fascination with books is endless. Who knew they could sound so cool when you slap and pound on them?

Kissable lips! Oh boy, very kissable! Do you want to have a go?

Toys everywhere, is the only way Hayden will have it. This picture looks so much like his cousin Corbin, what do you think Keen?

Anything I can get my hands on is considered a toy.

No I am not hiding anything in my cheeks!?

Hayden is none stop! Seriously the only time he slows down is in his crib for naps and bedtime in mom or Dad's arms. So I was utterly surprised when I turned around to see this! Just kicking it watching mom pretend to exercise, I couldn't stop laughing.

All smiles as I try to bust the buttons to show my super human baby strength!

I can't believe Hayden has grown up so fast, but I love it. Every stage gets funner and funner. Granted we have a few ruff days here and there, but this boy loves to play and let mom torture him with love! He takes after his dad and sleeps whenever gets the opportunity. With Mickey and Minnie at his side of course. He will eat anything you put in his face, and sweet potatoes are his all time favorite food. He is a pretty good kid and I am looking forward to what may come along! Happy half Birthday Hayden!


Kathy & Steve said...

I don't know HOls, i think he just MIGHT be hiding something in those cheeks... have you actually SEEN the chocolate alligator lately? Hmmm?

Jamie said...

He is so handsome I can not beleive how big he is. And that it has already been six months. Ya I think that pic does look like corby and the kissable lips one he kinda looks like chloe. He does good always looking so inocent. Give him lots of kisses for me!

Lovin Life Together said...

I can't believe he is 6 months already. He's getting so big, I agree he looks a lot like his cousin in that pic. He is such a cutie pie. Give hims lots of loves from his Aunt!!!

Heidi said...

what a cutie! Too funny about keeping him alive 6 months! I say that to myself sometimes like wow I can't believe Emmi's 4. Amazing! :)

The Fuchs*Pietrzak's said...

He is ADORABLE!!!! Just like I told Alicia about Dakota, Hayden looks just like his daddy!!! Oh, and I LOVE those eyebrows!!! lol

Stacie Marietti White said...

Holly he is so cute!!! I just want to squeeze those cheeks. I hope you are teaching him your crazy dance moves. It is fun to see your pictures. You look great!!

Kaydee and the boys said...

He is definitely lovable. What a cutie.

The Cassity's said...

Holly, I love it. He is so big and looks so much like your husband! What a fun age.