Thursday, October 7, 2010

Talk about embarrassing

maybe even humiliating......
So as I going into story time today at the library I noticed it was jammed packed in the parking garage. Than I see a sign for career day (the library is at Nova College campus.) So like always I am running behind and trying to hurry and find a parking spot and I kinda went down a wrong way to get a close parking spot. The spot is right there, no one is coming, I am in the clear just have to make this wide turn. I am in the civ dog so no big problem to make a quick turn. So I over shot it a little bit and hit the cement barrier that makes sure you don't run into the wall. Okay yeah that was embarrassing, not that big of deal , I will just back up and be on my way. Oh wait, it wouldn't come off.... that's right I back up and it is stuck under my little civic and I am dragging it away. Okay now all these people are walking by, listening to the cement Scrap SUPER loud on the pavement. I think, if I just pull forward it will come off. NOPE! I thought I was going to die! This thing is stuck to my car and everyone in the entire parking garage can here my idiocy! I get out, kick it a couple of times, it's cement people! I am not super woman! Get back in, pull forward again, back again. Would not budge. After what I swear was an eternity the thing fell off. Some guy was nice enough to move it out of the way so I could move my car. And the lady that came and parked in the spot next to me was nice enough to get out of her car and stand there and stare at me while I went through it all. What would you do in that situation? Would you just get back in your car and go home, or go to story time and have the moms that walked by as it happened stare and point at you while the Miss Megan reads her book. I stayed only to prove a point, what point? I haven't figured it out yet.

P.S. The car was not injured at all (the cement barrier was caught on the plastic under the bumper) and Dan does not know about this, and I am sure when he finds out I will get a huge lecture and feel like even more of an idiot~!


Tharon & Alicia said...

lets hope he doesn't read the blog then! I would have stayed too, I mean you went through all that trouble. Why leave?!

Lovin Life Together said...

Oh my, I am laughing my head off right now picturing you. Hiralious. ya what point where you trying to prove. I would have got the heck out of there. Your a strong one. You and your driving experiences. Kinda reminds me of the day before my wedding, ha ha!!

Zac and Shelece said...

Holly, this is why I freakin love your face. I needed a good laugh for the day. I am not sure what I would have done in this situation but I am glad you proved a point if there was a point to be proven : ) Love ya girl!!

Christa said...

thanks for giving me a good laugh for today! I'm glad you car isn't injured, just your pride :) I would have stayed. It doesn't matter what anyone else says or thinks you already know you did something dumb. J/k :)

Kari said...

Hilarious, I'm still laughing. Only cause it was you and not me. :) I'd get the same lecture and the reminders every now and then years from now. Good luck! And I woulda stayed too. Like that lady has never done a dumb thing in her life....She coulda helped...hello! Stupid people (not you, the lady who wouldn't help).

Jamie said...

Your such a dork...I LOVE IT! Thanks for the entertainment your a hoot!

Nicole said...

What a great picture to envision, on a Friday afternoon after a long week at work. All I have to say about the matter is... remember Grandma Cori (the beatiful Corsica of course) and the memorable times we had. I think I remember you running into one of those cement barriers at 7-11 on a hot chocolate run... Also, I remember that car going the wrong way in a one way lane on 12th and Harrison. So funny! Thanks for the good laugh. *

Emily said...

Holly, you are so funny, and a bigger woman than me. I would have left for sure. I am glad that you stayed.