Thursday, October 2, 2008

The big 25 and more

Birthday lunch @ Hoggys

Last week we celebrated Dan's 25th birthday. I know I am behind on the times but it was a busy day, and it is amazing how time fly's when your having fun! wink, wink. We celebrated with black and white balloons and streamers, yeah Dan was not impressed. We had a few friends over for ice cream and Dan's favorite hot fudge cake. Dan and I have known each other for 7 years now and married almost 5. I just live in the past or something because I SWEAR we just gratuated high school and just moved to Ohio. But in reality high school was 6 years ago, we have lived in Ohio for two years and Dan is 25. WOW! Well Dan knows I love him (cuz I cook him dinner every night, lol) so I am not going to make a big mushy post like most people do for Birthdays. I would much rather embarres the kid to death! My hubby is a goof ball. But it's his birthday so I will spare him all the walks of shame!

Hayden trying to fit in, in the HOOD

Playing in his own puke

I went to go wake my little man up and this is how I found him, with a spiderman sticker that Dad INSISTED that he get at the doctors office.

Hayden getting totally sick of posing for mom to take pictures!

Buckeyes game

One embarrassing story to tell about Dan. I know he looks freaky. He was trying to get me to eat this jalapeno seed the other night which I refused and Dan took his hand, which was stinging at the time because he was holding the pepper,and rubbed his eye! It was all red and swollen inside and out. He was in some major pain for a few minutes. You gotta wonder, WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING!


Unknown said...


Heather Crozier said...

You're old, Daniel.

I love the picture of Hayden sleeping. Mikenna used to sleep like that when she was a newborn.

Lovin Life Together said...

Happy B-Day Dan. I hope you had a good one, sorry about the no call on your B-day, my ittentions were good. Your eye looks aweful. Last Sunday Ej did the same thing, except he got it in his nose. It burned so bad!!. Thats why I stay away from those things. Hayden is growing up too fast, could you please stunk his growth until December please. By the way Holly Tag your it!! See my blog for details.

andrea said...

OK that last story about the pepper made me laugh. A long time ago Devin was going to make me Chile Relleno and he did the same thing, but even worse! We ended up having to go to the emergency room!! So yeah, I understand that!!!

andrea said...

Oh and happy birthday Daniel!

Heidi said...

Happy Birthday!!!! Oh my gosh, 25 is soooo old. I just turned 28 and I think I'll have a mid-life crisis when I'm 30. :) Hayden is so darn cute, I love that Dan got him a spiderman sticker!

Kathy & Steve said...

I was cutting up Jabanero's once (that's the REALLY HOT guys) and had it all over both hands... Then I had to sneeze and instinctively put both hands to my face.... I really REALLY feel for Dan - pepper in the eye/nose/throat is bad bad news. Hope the birthday was great anyway... the 25th was my worst.. quarter of a century old. Ouch!!
Aunt Kathy

The Albrecht's said...

After seeing you last night, I had to check out the pictures of your new little guy! Hayden is adorable! I am so happy for the both of you. CONGRATS

Kaydee and the boys said...

Oh man, I soooo want to meet that little boy. He is such a cutie! So... when are you moving to Salt Lake? ;)