Much like the rest of the world, I feel like there is always something going on in our home. We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. Dan had some time off school. We had fun friends and their kiddos over for Turkey dinner. Dan's sister came into town for a night and we got to know her hubby a little better and Dan's old high school buddies got to kick it with us for a few hours and watch the big game Saturday.(Utes and BYU). Things have slowed just a tad bit for a minute or two. We are looking forward to our big trip to Utah for the Christmas season and Miss Hadley is either teething or has a cold. Either way we have stayed home a lot this week to let Hadley get some extra zzzzz's. But the weather has been awesome so Hayden and I have been playing much more in the yard. We washed the car the other day and it was the first time Hayden and I didn't fight over whose turn it was to use the hose the whole time! Anyhoo... as for accomplishments lets get started.
Only pic taken on T-day
Hadley has not only conquered the huge stairway we have in our home, but she also knows how to go DOWN the stairs as well! She is a quick learner. She is down to one bottle a day and had no problems adjusting to milk. She easily crawls around now. No real interest in walking. She can lift herself on just about anything. I have caught this little girl saying quite a few random words (but only when she wants too) like Hayden, thank you and toothbrush. (her Dad is a dentist!) She continues to amaze me at how quick she catches on to things. She loves to stand on all fours and stick her bum in the air and sways forward and backward when she is dancing or sitting she will move her entire upper body back and forth with her hands in the air. Favorite toys would be her cookie jar and the printer. Her first birthday is coming up this month, and I am sure she will continue to bring smiles to our faces for years to come.
Where to start with Hayden. Lets start with the best one for mom. He finally counted to 3! This has taken so stinkin long I about gave up! Whenever you asked him to count he would say "one,!" all excited. Sure it's cute, but I spent like 6 months trying to get him to count to 3. Let's just hope it sticks in his noggin. He also learned how to drive Daniel's train that we got out for Christmas. He is actually really good at controlling the remote for the train. Hayden is really good at telling Hadley what to do/what not to do. He has been coming out of his shell more. He is more confident around people and takes much shorter times to warm up to people. He loves riding his bike with Daddy to go get the mail. Favorite toy is his train by far.
Dan is going to kill me. He found my hidden drawer of goodies. At least I know Hadley will look super cute when she gets hair!
Holly's accomplishments start with her amazing black Friday shopping. Got everything minus one on my list. What a thrill, I love it. I also have officially lost all my baby weight before my baby turned one! I lost Hadley's pregnancy weight quite quickly, it was Hayden's I was still working on! Thanks Insanity and my mind for not going insane because I spent the kids nap time EVERY day doing Insanity! Also I have been getting much better with my patience with Hayden. Love the kid, but he is very stubborn.
Heading back out on black Friday after a REALLY late night shopping. Yeah, not in a good mood. Why am I posting this picture?? It is a really bad picture, now you know my true colors, ha!
I am so proud of my Daniel. Along with the patients already in treatment he has put on a few new sets of braces. I swear it feels like he just started but he is in full swing of things! You should see the wires this kid bends, blow your mind bends! He picked the right field. Now that it is cooler (80's) he has started riding his bike to school. I think the biggest sacrifice for this guy is his naps. They have become none existent, other than Sunday naps. Between school, family and homework. This kid has no time for himself.
I can't help but remind myself every time I feel sorry for myself that I don't see my hubby much, that God has always had his hand in my life. I truly believe Heavenly Father send us to south Florida to pay a trillion dollars in tuition and living expenses because it was best for our family. I know I see Daniel much more than most other Orthodontic programs. With the Holiday season upon us, I love sharing Jesus stories with Hayden. Telling him about Jesus birthday and how much he loves us. I know that Heavenly Father has given me a special relationship with Dan and each of my children. He has given me a testimony of the gospel and let me slowly figure things our for myself. He keeps me in line by reminding me of my blessing. He is a beautiful Savior.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Month of accomplishments in our home
Posted by Holly 5 comments
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Insanity totally kicked my butt, but I finished. Some days I just wanted to give in so bad! It was tough, the warm up in it self is a total workout. Everyday I was drenched in sweat. I was a bunch of flab before I started this 2 months ago, but now I actually have some abs and I can scare Dan with my biceps! (I am not the hulk, I still have some junk in my trunk, and other places as well, but it has been significantly been reduced) I am so good at starting something and never finishing that it feels good to say I completed it! Not to mention the couple of pounds that I shed! My sister in Utah, Keen did the program with me and she looks like a machine now! It helped to have someone keep me on my toes. I am very afraid that if I don't keep doing the program on a consistent basis I will lose those muscles I worked so hard for. But I need to start running. The weather here is perfect for a morning run and to be outside is so refreshing! I signed up for a 1/2 marathon in Ogden this spring and would really like to beat my last time. I went running yesterday and about died! I have a lot of training to do. Any one need a running buddy?....
Posted by Holly 7 comments
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween 2010
With my Kiddos being a little older this year Halloween was even funner than years past. We kept busy for sure. I explained everything the best I could to Hayden. What kids doesn't understand free candy? He had blast, and can now pick out a PUN-KIN from a mile a way.
Hayden is definitely in to coloring at this age, so when we went to the store to get a PUN-KIN (you must say it in a high pitched very excited voice) he wouldn't stop talking about "Daddy, home.. color PUN-KIN"
Hadley was having a hard time just kickin it while the boys were painting. She is so busy. Can you see the HUGE drainage ditch behind her??? No?
Well now can you see it??? HA! She went flying backwards and went down the ditch. SO FUNNY. She just grabbed onto the grass and held on for dear life, while mom tried to stop laughing to pick her up.The finished hot that the paint would melt when you put it on. Oh we went trick or treating in 82%. The seasons are changing but not the weather.
Best shot of his costume
Combined ward Trunk or Treat. Total blast.
Hadley made it about 30 minutes before destroying her outfit and having a huge accident, which she has not done in months! What can you do? P.S. I noticed after the pic's that Dad put her outfit on wrong. What'ev P.P.S. I put the nasty accident diaper in-front of the front wheel of my tire so we could keep enjoying our fun for the moment and when we went to leave and go throw it away, someone had already taken the diaper (it was really nasty) so someone is probably totally pissed and thought I was so rude for trying to leave a dirty diaper in the church parking lot!Lots of fun costume and fun cars, but Karyn's car, took the cake!
"Havery, nakie" Looking at this picture can you believe how big she is compared to me?
Just some randoms of my baby doll. Who is now crawling (she is much happier mobile) and cruising like a mad lady. She will probably start walking any day now!
Okay I realized I have a lot of picture of Hadley, but this was mostly a Holiday for Hayden this year. He just doesn't like the camera that much. Is it funner for the kids or funner for the parents to see how the kids react to everything. I know long post but one last thing to add. So while making the kids costumes they kinda got ignored. All morning long the TV was on. So after I put Hadley down for a nap I went over to play with Hayden and his cars. His response... "No play mommy!" Then he points up to my sewing machine and says "Mommy, play." apparently mom needed to get back to playing with her own toys!
Posted by Holly 1 comments
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Baby girl @ 10 months
So we had a rough week and a half. Hadley started teething and apparently had a cold. She was not my baby! I was going nuts. Mom had to be at her sides at all time. Mom had to entertain her at all times. Everything was all out drama. I just keep thinking, it was bound to happy she is a girl. We went into her 9 month appointment and Doc said, "Well, you've got a cold on your hands." K, as a second time mom sometimes I think I know everything. I thought hog wash, she is teething and she gets a running nose when she is teething. A few days later nose clears up and my baby is back. Her big honking teeth are still coming in, but my baby was back! No more wines for no reason, a lot less clinging (this girl loves her momma) and she is back to holding her own when it comes to her brother. Miracle! I know she is a girl and the drama will come, but for now to is for the most part at bay. Also I would like to document that I totally shed tears when her 3rd tooth came in. She has this awesome totally cheesy smile that shows off those bottom teeth that have been there since she was 4 months. I don't want those teeth! I want her to stay the same forever! All things must come to an end....
Hadley is such a tough girl. She is fearless. She gets into EVERYTHING. So SO SOOO busy. It's is impossible for her to hold still even for a moment.
Just recently has she taken a interest in walking. NOOOOO! Tonight Dan put her on the walker and away she went! Look at that focus and determination.
She just goes!
She took my bucket of sugar and was pushing it around the kitchen so she could get to where she wanted. keep in mind, she doesn't even crawl yet. She gets around somehow, but not crawling. Remember she can't hold still. Also I want to say about how much she puts up with her brother, Hayden is so bossy! He won't let her play with any of his toys (or the one he likes the least) and totally is getting the jealous bug. Hadley lets none of it get to her. She steals toys from his hand pounces all over him and puts up with all his wrestling! She is in love with her brother. They still play together, but you can expect some yelling from Hayden "No, Havery!" Oh and Hadley loves a good make out session with anyone that is willing. She goes for the mouth but she will take a cheek or nose.
Posted by Holly 3 comments
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Got my own card
So Dan always has the nice camera at school with the SD card. Finally Dan got me my own card and I have gone a little crazy with the pictures. Unfortunately all my pictures from my sister Lori's trip here are on Dan's camera at school. So you just get the most recent, but expect an update from her stay.
Hadley had her 9 month check up. She is a 23 1/2 lb bunch of chunks! 96% for this little girl. Tall and wide, that's how we grow'em
Yes this is the back of her head, but check out those cheeks! This one's for you JAM!
I cannot believe how awesome this weather is.... it's Oct and its 80 degrees outside. Perfect for a bike ride. Hayden is getting very demanding about what his sister must do. He was very persistent that "Havery" get on the bike.
Totally impossible to get this kid to eat, but hey.. throw a bowl of salad in his face and he chomps away!
I know its hard to tell with those beautiful garage cans in the background, but this place is gorgeous. Still can't believe I live here. ( COME VISIT ME)
Could not get anyone else to ride the tracker so I took it upon myself. Dan was the one that came up with the idea of adding the rope. Can you image the looks the neighbours were giving me.
Moment to remember. Doing a little grocery shopping and Hayden gets up and starts spinning in circles singing "ice cream, ice cream" over and over again. We were on the milk isle.
Posted by Holly 4 comments
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Talk about embarrassing
maybe even humiliating......
So as I going into story time today at the library I noticed it was jammed packed in the parking garage. Than I see a sign for career day (the library is at Nova College campus.) So like always I am running behind and trying to hurry and find a parking spot and I kinda went down a wrong way to get a close parking spot. The spot is right there, no one is coming, I am in the clear just have to make this wide turn. I am in the civ dog so no big problem to make a quick turn. So I over shot it a little bit and hit the cement barrier that makes sure you don't run into the wall. Okay yeah that was embarrassing, not that big of deal , I will just back up and be on my way. Oh wait, it wouldn't come off.... that's right I back up and it is stuck under my little civic and I am dragging it away. Okay now all these people are walking by, listening to the cement Scrap SUPER loud on the pavement. I think, if I just pull forward it will come off. NOPE! I thought I was going to die! This thing is stuck to my car and everyone in the entire parking garage can here my idiocy! I get out, kick it a couple of times, it's cement people! I am not super woman! Get back in, pull forward again, back again. Would not budge. After what I swear was an eternity the thing fell off. Some guy was nice enough to move it out of the way so I could move my car. And the lady that came and parked in the spot next to me was nice enough to get out of her car and stand there and stare at me while I went through it all. What would you do in that situation? Would you just get back in your car and go home, or go to story time and have the moms that walked by as it happened stare and point at you while the Miss Megan reads her book. I stayed only to prove a point, what point? I haven't figured it out yet.
P.S. The car was not injured at all (the cement barrier was caught on the plastic under the bumper) and Dan does not know about this, and I am sure when he finds out I will get a huge lecture and feel like even more of an idiot~!
Posted by Holly 8 comments
Monday, October 4, 2010
lets see what else is there....
We seriously did so much stuff I am forgetting until I see a picture of it!
Good old Jaxon's ice cream. The ice cream was great but kinda worried about contacting diabetes here.
WOW, only thing to describe it. See that gigantic pile of ice cream in front of Jam, and Mike. Yeah, the one that is bigger than Mikes head. Yeah Hayden ate probably more that half of that. He would NOT slow down or have anything to do with his mom and Dad's ice cream. Thanks you two for sharing AND promoting childhood obesity!
Our death by chocolate. I must say I didn't actually die eating this ice cream, but I did almost have a heart attack when we got the bill!
Don't mess with that face! Ice cream means business!
Posted by Holly 0 comments
Deep Sea Fishing
I know kinda slow, but I have a little A.D.D. in me. But we went Deep Sea Fishing. Dan was the only one that caught something in our group, but we still had a great time, and got to see some pretty awesome houses on the Ocean and huge yachts.
Nothing like starting the morning with a cold one......
It was however, blasted hot. So everyone was totally drenched.
These two little love birds, wanted a fish so bad you could smell it.... it smells a lot like B.O.
This is the fish Dan Caught, it was by far the biggest thing they caught that day, but because it wasn't eatable we had to through it back. Mike was so mad that he bit the tail off before they got it back in the water. (okay that was a fib)
Can you see how awesome this thing was, it totally suctioned to the boat. It was so weird and rubbery. Don't know how else to explain it.... like it was from another world.... like the ocean...
Posted by Holly 0 comments
Monday, September 27, 2010
Jam and Mike-o-leana
K, I have a lot to blog about. Jamie and her hubby Mikey came to Florida to visit and we played hard and spent many a monies! So worth it. Some times I think I have done it all, not true! I am going to do a couple post to break it up. But check out all the fun things we did and start planning your trip to come visit me!
First day there were here we got to work. We took a boat tour and headed out for a afternoon snorkel. We were all pretty stoked to get in, but when it came down to it, I was pretty freaked out to get in the ocean. Jam got pretty mad at me and started yelling at me as I was hiding on the boat afraid to "jump" into the water. I am so glad I finally did. So cool see so many fish, they would swim right in your face. The fish were so pretty.
This is the scared y pants, its intimating! You try it!
Mike was totally fearless, he would swim down to the coral where he could see a few more different kinds of fish.
The city behind us. Where is Dan? Well someone has to take care of the kiddos! He had his chance in the water too.
typical HadleyAs we were getting back on board the boat, one of the scuba divers found and caught this lobster! It was HUGE. Much bigger than red lobster!
No, he is not breast feeding, lol. Hayden had quite the blast riding on a boat and swimming in the ocean. He zonked.
Posted by Holly 3 comments